Thursday 13 December 2007

Blog: "Still Life" shortlisted for Short and Sweet

Hello everyone who is reading this, and even anyone who isn't (just cause i'm nice).

I have news that makes me tickled inside my hands:

I am rehearsing Baron of You Know Where, my first two-act comedy with Sydney Uni Drama Society, and it will be on at the Cellar Theatre in March-April, so more updates closer to the date.

In other news, my third short play, Still Life, has been shortlisted for Short and Sweet, Sydney, and it will play for one-night-only, unless you show up and vote for it, at the Seymour centre, $25 a ticket for I don't know how many ten minute plays fit into two hours, I'm not a mathematician. It will be directed by my high-school theatrical chum Claire Smith, who has worked on such aspects of the Sydney scene as Wayne Tunks' many plays.

Still Life, and other short plays, as the evening has been dubbed,
will show at the Seymour Centre on Cleveland Street
on the 2nd February, a Sunday, at 3pm.

Hope to see you there,