Monday 19 February 2007

Blog: What I'm Reading

Currently carrying around David Foster Wallace's ridiculously long 'Infinite Jest.' Tis a library copy, though... If anyone has a copy (and has read it) would love advice on whether you think its pleasant to read in paperback. Im reading hardback, and though its size of phone-book to carry round, print is large enough so you can forget you're reading a page and just get engulfed in the sentence... Er... Then there's the problem of which edition... Whether the ten year anniversary edition has any other perks other than Dave Eggers introduction... Is print different size, book easier to handle... Thinking of investing in a copy... Will pay $50 if its right book for me...

Recently aquired (library) copy of William Gaddis The Recognitions and begun listening to language on first few pages... Definitely must aquire personal copy for life-long perusal... Am currently just signing up to study a B.Teach to enable myself to be paid to teach English in New South Wales high schools... Because I basically don't give a fuck about academic articles, so I wouldn't go down that road... Also just yesterday had a gig at my old primary school in which nobody paid any attention to me - something I will never get used to. Actually, I don't mind it when people leave me alone off-stage, but once I'm on there... I vow never to play to anyone at a cocktail gathering, or where any consumables aside from beer are involved... Wasted so much good material on unreceptive ears... Apparently I have a lot to learn about how receptive the world is going to be to me... Or fuck that. Have recently developed a penchant for swearing in everyday speech... Haven't yet tried it out on loved ones... Its great fun but.

Um... Am working, when I do, primarily on my food/crazy piece currently called 'Flux' aka Food That Eats You! Veering away from sillier title... I enjoy stories with humour, but I hardly ever read things with joke titles... I take my humour seriously! Think that's probably it. Um... Also working at my old primary school, same school where I had gig - that's how I got it. We're having a health inspection soon... And today on the news there was a botulism scare... All these things are milling around my head... 'Infinite Jest' is full of names of drugs and diseases - loads of jargon. That kind of technical detail doesn't interest me as much as the concepts... As far as my own writing...

Am enjoying 'Infinite Jest', up to pp 60 ;)... Gaddis is calling me though... He's saying strange things...

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