Saturday 17 February 2007

Poetry: A Series of Patriotic Poems

The Great Australian Bite

First Published, without my punctuation (which I would insist on these days) and under 'Ben Parker', in the four w Anthology No.16.

Took a bite out of the ass of Australia...
Spat it out... It tasted like shit...

My Country

I love skin-cancerous country
A land of babbling blokes
Who wouldn't know high culture
If you shoved it down their throats.

Six Signs I Saw at the Hospital

Due to a decision
By hospital admin
Bathrooms have been removed.
Please feel free to hold
Till a more convenient time.

Due to a need to free floor-space,
Waiting rooms have been removed
Please feel free to wait
In your homes, anywhere
But please... Not here.

Due to news we learnt
From our Aunt Margret,
Beds have been removed.
Turns out hard floors
Are really better for backs

Due to more learned intelligence
Our pills have been set free
Water and fresh air should do as well
If pain persists, out complaint place
Has recently grown out of proportion.

Due to a strike admin
Responded poorly to,
Doctors have been removed.
Things should run smoother now...
Hope you get well soon.

We've enjoyed doing what we can, but
We have to think of our preservation...
Its not our fault we've been bought out
Its a question of revenue...
Canteen staff are welcomed to stay on by,
Your Benefactors, McDonalds.

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